Hindus in India suffer more due to their own karma than actions of external forces or any other communities
The Sangh Parivar with its 74 affiliated organisations have been working to protect the Hindu culture, economic activities and social life in the country. Their leaders have been telling people that the series of foreign invasions, western culture and the lack of unity among the Hindus etc. are the main reasons for their long and painful sufferings. Since 1925, RSS has been nurturing its affiliated organizations to work for the Hindus; their ideologues explained there is a need for organizing the Hindus for unity, self-defense and survival which will ultimately build a strong and prosperous country for all. The unity among other Indian religious communities like the Sikh, Buddhist, Muslim and the Jain is also required; but the unity of all religious communities should build over one India feeling and respect for all religions; without which India which is the home to all will not survive with self respect. The RSS ideologues also explain uniting the Hindus does not mean to hate other communities. Their ideologues tell people those who inhabit the land across the river Sindhu are called Hindus which include all the communities of India. It is said that Hinduism is not a religion but a way of life which has been lived by people in the country for several centuries. Thousands of Pracharaks (life time workers) left homes to build RSS Shakhas and to protect the Hindu way of life across the country. The Parivar worked hard to install the BJP government in power continuously for more than 10 years, for the first time in the history of India. But the question is whether the RSS and its 74 outfits have united the Hindus, protected their culture, social life and economic activities. Uniting the Hindus to build a strong and prosperous nation continues to be the biggest challenge before the Sangh Parivar.
The Hindus in India suffer more due to their own karma than the actions of the external forces or any other communities. Today they are divided and subdivided into small groups due to the opportunist caste and regional leaders. The division on the basis of caste, language, region and class has shaken the backbone of the Hindu community; one will not find one Hindu feeling nor one India feeling among people in most parts of the country. The division among the majority of the Hindu community has become the biggest stumbling block before building a strong and prosperous country. GDP growth can’t cement the divide but human growth and dynamic leadership will dissolve the caste and language divisions.
In order to cement the divide in the Hindu community, the Sangh Parivar outfits should focus on popularizing a mother tongue; though Hindi is the mother tongue, it is opposed in some southern states. Those states oppose Hindi but they love and respect Sanskrit language. The Union government and the Sangh Parivar without wasting much time should popularize Sanskrit along with Hindi across the country. The Parivar should remember without a link language the country cannot be physically, economically and morally strong. The phenomenal economic growth of ancient India was possible due to Sanskrit language which had helped people exchange ideas and skills; the link language helped traders to sell goods and services across the country. Linking people through a mother tongue should get priority over others. The Hindus should learn from the Sikhs, Christians and the Budhists how to keep their religious places clean and do prayers regularly with devotion. The Parivar volunteers should inspire the local people to maintain their temples; they should protect the temple idols from the thieves.
The Sangh Parivar and its outfits should build more quality schools across the country to end the deprivation in school education. Quality school education at an affordable cost is the key to India’s prosperity; without which nothing will move forward. Each Indian child should get quality education so that he could stand on his own and become one among equals. The country can’t afford to brand a large number of people as vulnerable for a long period. Continuation of reservation policy erodes people’s confidence and capacity to excel. The school education should be oriented in such a manner that the children could learn to tap the diverse economic activities in their own states, in their own towns and villages instead of migrating to big cities and becoming a labor force. India is a treasure trove of diverse economic activities which need to be tapped. There is a wide pool of talents in the country who can lead the key sectors with their knowledge and experience. It is essential to identify and put them in the right place before it is too late. Many war ravaged nations have prospered into developed nations due to one nation feeling and human resources development. The Japanese did it in a short time with one Japanese feeling and patriotism. In Japan, patriotism is a silent endeavor to build the nation brick by brick. India should not take much time to build a strong nation.