A recent incident in Cooch Behar, West Bengal, raises serious concerns about human rights violations allegedly perpetrated by Border Security Force (BSF) personnel. The case involves Saiful Sekh, a 31-year-old farmer and resident of Khisaber Kuthi, who was allegedly subjected to illegal detention and inhumane treatment.
On the morning of December 24, 2024, Sekh was reportedly detained by plainclothes BSF personnel while at Chudhurihat Bazar, over a kilometer from the international border. Witnesses, including elected Gram Panchayat members, claimed that Sekh was apprehended without cause, subjected to physical violence, and subsequently transported in a vehicle by BSF personnel.
According to a fact-finding report, Sekh endured severe physical torture, including beatings, electric shocks, and scalding. Medical reports from Bamanhat Block Primary Health Center corroborate the injuries, noting burns, bruises, and other trauma.
Legal Concerns
The detention and subsequent treatment of Sekh appear to violate several legal and constitutional safeguards:
1. Lack of Proper Arrest Procedures: No arrest memo or inspection memo was issued at the time of Sekh's apprehension, and his family was not informed, contravening established legal protocols.
2. Delayed Judicial Process: Sekh was not presented before a court within 24 hours, as mandated by law.
3. Torture Allegations: The reported use of torture in custody violates fundamental rights under Article 21 of the Indian Constitution and international human rights treaties to which India is a party.
Witness Accounts and Police Inaction
Eyewitnesses have corroborated the allegations of violence, stating that the incident occurred publicly and with apparent impunity. Despite complaints filed by Sekh's wife with local police and grievance cells, no action has reportedly been taken against the accused BSF personnel.
Broader Implications
This case highlights a troubling pattern of alleged abuse in border areas, raising questions about the accountability of law enforcement and paramilitary forces. As India approaches eight decades of independence, incidents like these underscore the need for systemic reforms to uphold the principles of democracy and human rights.
Demands for Action
In light of these allegations, the following actions are imperative:
1. Independent Investigation: A thorough and impartial inquiry, independent of local law enforcement, is necessary to establish the facts.
2. Accountability: The BSF personnel involved must be held accountable through appropriate legal proceedings.
3. Victim Support: Sekh and his family should receive adequate compensation, medical care, and protection.
4. Policy Reforms: Systemic changes, including sensitization programs for BSF personnel, are essential to prevent future violations.
This incident serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing struggle to safeguard human rights in India. Upholding the dignity and safety of every citizen is not just a legal obligation but a moral imperative. It is hoped that the concerned authorities will take swift and decisive action to ensure justice in this case.
The National Human Rights Commission has been urged to investigate the matter further.
*Secretary, Banglar Manabadhikar Suraksha Mancha (MASUM); National Convenor, Programme Against Custodial Torture & Impunity (PACTI)