On January 3, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) in Ranchi interrogated and subsequently arrested Baccha Singh under FIR Number RC-03/2023/NIA/RNC. Singh, a trade union activist, has previously faced scrutiny. In May 2023, his residence was raided by the NIA in connection with a "conspiracy case," during which devices belonging to his partner, Ipsa Shatakshi, were seized. Singh, based in Bokaro, Jharkhand, has been a prominent figure in labor rights and was the General Secretary of the Majdoor Sangathan Samiti (MSS), a registered trade union banned twice by the Jharkhand government, most recently in August 2023 under the Criminal Law Amendment Act (CLA) of 1908.
The government cited concerns that MSS activities interfered with law and order. However, in February 2022, the Ranchi High Court lifted an earlier ban, citing insufficient evidence to link MSS to any unlawful activities. Singh and MSS have long been associated with organizing contract workers, particularly in coal mining areas like Dhanbad and Bokaro, and supporting causes such as Adivasi rights, anti-displacement movements, and labor rights.
The recent legal actions are part of ongoing investigations into alleged conspiracies to revive Maoist activity in the Bihar-Jharkhand region. Critics argue that such cases often lack substantial evidence and target those engaged in legitimate activism. Organizations such as the Committee Against State Repression (CASR) have called for Singh's release and the revocation of the MSS ban, citing concerns over restrictions on democratic dissent.
On January 5, the Uttar Pradesh Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) arrested political activist, poet, and writer Manish Azad at his residence in Allahabad. Azad, active for over three decades, has published articles, poems, and translations and previously served as the founder of Inqalabi Chhatra Sabha. He was earlier arrested in 2019 in connection with the same case and spent eight months in custody before being released on bail.
Azad is implicated in a case alleging a conspiracy to revive Maoist activities in northern Indian states. His house and those of other activists were raided in September 2023. The FIR from 2019 has also led to the arrests of other individuals, including Advocate Kripashankar Singh, who works on cases for economically disadvantaged clients, and activists Anita Azad and Binda Sona, who focus on women's education.
These arrests are part of broader legal actions targeting activists under allegations of supporting banned organizations. Groups like CASR have expressed concerns about the implications for freedom of expression and association, urging collective action from democratic and civil society groups to safeguard the rights of activists and organizations working for social justice.
*Freelance journalist