A combing operation conducted by the Maharashtra Police in Dalit-dominated areas and the subsequent custodial death of a 35-year-old law student and Ambedkarite activist, Somnath Suryavanshi, has sparked widespread condemnation. The Committee Against State Repression (CASR) has released a statement condemning the incident, describing it as a "custodial murder" and accusing the police of violating human rights.
On December 10, International Human Rights Day, a replica of the Indian Constitution was allegedly desecrated in Parbhani district, Maharashtra. In response, local organizations called for a bandh (strike) to protest the police’s alleged inaction and their labeling of the perpetrators as “mentally deranged.” Protests followed on December 11, leading to the registration of multiple FIRs against 50 known and unknown individuals.
The police subsequently conducted combing operations in Dalit neighborhoods, including Bhim Nagar and Priyadarshini Nagar, where reports allege that men and women were beaten, and several individuals were arrested without undergoing mandatory medical examinations.
Somnath Suryavanshi, who was among those detained, complained of chest pain and died in custody on December 15. A post-mortem revealed internal and external injuries consistent with custodial torture. His bail application had reportedly been granted by a local court, given his upcoming law examinations.
Somnath Suryavanshi belonged to the Waddar community, designated as a denotified tribe. According to CASR, these communities are frequently subjected to police profiling and targeted during criminal investigations. The statement also pointed out historical instances of alleged police brutality against Dalit and Adivasi communities in Maharashtra, citing events like the Bhima Koregaon violence in 2018.
CASR has called for a judicial inquiry into Suryavanshi's death and demanded accountability from the police officers involved. The organization also accused the Maharashtra Police of suppressing democratic movements and targeting marginalized communities under the influence of “Brahmanical Hindutva Fascism.” They urged progressive and democratic groups to unite against the alleged state-sponsored repression.
This incident raises critical concerns about the protection of human rights, the right to protest, and the accountability of law enforcement agencies.