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Savarkar 'criminally betrayed' Netaji and his INA by siding with the British rulers

By Shamsul Islam*
RSS-BJP rulers of India have been trying to show off as great fans of Netaji. But Indians must know what role ideological parents of today's RSS/BJP played against Netaji and Indian National Army (INA). The Hindu Mahasabha and RSS which always had prominent lawyers on their rolls made no attempt to defend the INA accused at Red Fort trials.
There are plenty of documents available in the archives of Hindu nationalist organizations to show the terrible betrayal of his cause by the Hindu Mahasabha under the leadership of Savarkar who was also adored by the RSS as Hindutva icon. When Netaji was planning to liberate the northeast of the country through INA, it was VD Savarkar who offered full military cooperation to the British masters. While addressing 23rd session of Hindu Mahasabha at Bhagalpur in 1941, he said:
"The war which has now reached our shores directly constitutes at once a danger and an opportunity which both render it imperative that the militarization movement musts be intensified and every branch of the Hindu Mahasabha in every town and village must actively engage itself in rousing the Hindu people to join the army, navy, the aerial forces and the different war-craft manufactories." (Cited in Savarkar, V. D., "Samagra Savarkar Wangmaya: Hindu Rashtra Darshan", vol. 6, Maharashtra Prantik Hindusabha, Poona, 1963, pp. 460-61.)
To what extent Savarkar was willing to help the British would be clear by the following words of his:
"So far as India’s defence is concerned, Hindudom must ally unhesitatingly, in a spirit of responsive co-operation with the war effort of the Indian government in so far as it is consistent with the Hindu interests, by joining the Army, Navy and the Aerial forces in as large a number as possible and by securing an entry into all ordnance, ammunition and war craft factories…
"Again it must be noted that Japan’s entry into the war has exposed us directly and immediately to the attack by Britain’s enemies…Hindu Mahasabhaits must, therefore, rouse Hindus especially in the provinces of Bengal and Assam as effectively as possible to enter the military forces of all arms without losing a single minute." (Ibid., p. 460.)
Savarkar called upon Hindus “to flood the [British] army, the navy and the aerial forces with millions of Hindu warriors with Hindu Sanghatanist hearts” and assured them that if Hindus recruited in the British armed forces...
"our Hindu nation is bound to emerge far more powerful, consolidated and situated in an incomparably more advantageous position to face issues after the war— whether it be an internal anti-Hindu Civil War or a constitutional crisis or an armed revolution."  (Ibid., p. 461.)
Savarkar believed in the invincibility of the British imperialists. His presidential address at Madura is a living testimony to his unabashed support to the British imperialistic designs. He rejected out rightly Netaji’s attempts to liberate India. He declared:
"Not only on moral grounds but on the grounds of practical politics we are compelled not to concern ourselves on behalf of the Hindu Mahasabha organisation with any programme involving any armed resistance, under the present circumstances." (Ibid., p. 421.)
When the British government in the wake of the World War II decided to raise new battalions of its armed forces, it was Hindu Mahasabha under direct command of Savarkar which decided to enroll Hindus in a big way in this venture. This is what Savarkar reported to the delegates at the Hindu Mahasabha session at Madura:
"Naturally, the Hindu Mahasabha with a true insight into a practical politics decided to participate in all war efforts of the British government in so far as they concerned directly with the question of the Indian defence and raising new military forces in India."  (Ibid., p. 428.)
It was not as if Savarkar was unaware of the strong resentmdent which was brewing in the ranks of common Indians against such an approach. He brushed aside any criticism of Hindu Mahasabha’s decision of co-operating with the British in war efforts as...
"political folly into which the Indian public is accustomed to indulge in thinking that because Indian interests are opposed to the British interests in general, any step in which we join hands with the British government must necessarily be an act of surrender, anti-national, of playing into the British hands and that co-operation with the British government in any case and under all circumstances is unpatriotic and condemnable." (Ibid., p. 428.)
If on the one hand, Bose was working on the military strategies to take help of the German and Japanese forces to liberate India, on the other hand, Savarkar was busy in directly assisting the British colonial masters. This amounted to the betrayal of the cause espoused by Netaji.
Savarkar and the Hindu Mahasabha openly stood with the British government which later was able to kill and maim thousands of brave cadres of the INA. While greatly eulogizing the British masters, Savarkar told his followers at Madura that due to the ever-advancing forces of Japan with a declared objective of freeing Asia from European influence, the British government needed Indians in large numbers in its armed forces which must be helped. While praising the British war strategy, he said:
"The British statesmanship, far sighted as it usually is, realised this also that if ever war broke out with Japan, India itself must be the centre of gravity of all war preparations…chances are that an army with the strength of a couple of millions shall have to be raised, manned by Indians under Indian officers as rapidly as Japan succeeds in advancing near our Frontiers." (Ibid., p. 435.)
Savarkar spent the next few years in organizing recruitment camps for the British armed forces which were to slaughter the cadres of INA in different parts of the North-East later. The Madura conference of the Hindu Mahasabha concluded with the adoption of an ‘immediate programme’ which stressed “to secure entry for as many Hindus recruits as possible into army, navy and the air forces”. (Ibid., p. 439.)
He also informed them that through the efforts of Hindu Mahasabha alone, one lakh Hindu’s were recruited in the British armed forces in one year. It is to be noted that during this period RSS continued inviting Savarkar to address the RSS youth gatherings for motivating the latter to recruit into the British armed forces. 
His call to the RSS cadres had no ambiguity: “Let the Hindus therefore come forward now and enter the army, the navy and the air-forces, the ordnance and other war-crafts factories in their thousands and millions.” (Ibid., p.xxvi.)
Even the Muslim League, sub-serving the interests of the British, refused to align in war efforts or join Defence Committees as done by Savarkar
The Hindu Mahasabha under Savarkar’s leadership organised high-level Boards in different regions of the country to help the Hindus seeking recruitment in the British armed forces. We come to know through the following words of Savarkar that these Boards were in direct contact with the British government. Savarkar informed the cadres...
"to deal with the difficulties and the grievances which the Hindu recruits to the Army find from time to time, a Central Northern Hindu Militarization Board has been formed by the Hindu Mahasabha at Delhi with Mr. Ganpat Rai, B.A., L.L.B Advocate, 51, Panchkuin Road, New Delhi, as convener." (Ibid., p. xxvii.)
The similar kind of Boards were established in different parts of India. Savarkar also told HMS cadres that
"Sir Jwala Prasad Shrivastav; Barrister Jamnadasji Mehta, Bombay; Mr. V.V. Kalikar, M.L.C., Nagpur and other members on the National Defence Council or the Advisory War Committee will certainly try their best to get these difficulties removed so far as possible when they are forwarded by these Militarization Boards on to them." (Ibid., p. xxviii.)
This clearly shows that the British Government had accommodated leaders of the Hindu Mahasabha on its official war committees. Those who declare Savarkar as a great patriot and freedom fighter must bow their heads in shame when they read the following instruction from Savarkar to those Hindus who were to join the British forces:
"One point however must be noted in this connection as emphatically as possible in our own interest that those Hindus who join the Indian [read the British] Forces should be perfectly amenable and obedient to the military discipline and order which may prevail there provided always that the latter do not deliberately aim to humiliate Hindu Honour." (Ibid, p. 451.)
Astonishingly, Savarkar never felt that joining the armed forces of the colonial masters was in itself a great humiliation for any self-respecting and patriotic Indian. The British Government was in regular touch with Savarkar so far as the organisation of its highest war bodies was concerned. It included individuals whose names were proposed by Savarkar. This is made clear from the following thanksgiving telegram Savarkar sent to the British government. Bhide’s volume tells us that...
"The following Telegram was sent by Barrister V.D. Savarker [sic], the President of the Hindu Mahasabha to (1) General Wavell, the Commander in-Chief; and (2) the Viceroy of India on the 18th instant (July 18, 1941).
[As per the original text.]
It is important to note here that even the Muslim League, sub-serving the interests of the British rulers, refused to align in these war efforts or join Defence Committees established by the government as done by Savarkar.
It will be a sad day for India with glorious tradition of anti-imperialist struggle that children of those who criminally betrayed Netaji and his INA by siding with the British rulers are playing mischief with the icons of all-inclusive anti-colonial struggle.
What right RSS-BJP rulers have to show their affinity to Netaji and INA which fought for a democratic-secular India when they declare themselves to be Hindu nationalists, committed to turn India into a theocratic Hindu state and belittling the minorities? We should not allow Hindutva gang to kill Netaji once again.
Formerly at the Delhi University, Prof Islam's writings and video interviews/debates: can be accessed here Twitter: @shamsforjustice. Blog: Contact:


Unknown said…
I am amazed that Prof. Islam has not seen the hidden meaning of Mr. Savarkar's words. I am not from BJB or RSS but a retired prof of chemical engineering still practising my professional interest. But I am a seeker of truth.

I have never read Savarkar in a serious way as I was more interested in Science.

But I have now accidentally come across this blog from Prof. Islam, and I am amazed at the CHANAKYAN cunningness of Savarkar in suggesting to help British war efforts with a hidden agenda of a true Indian spririt. He wanted to join to learn MILITERIZATION of Docile HINDU society to fight against ANY AGGRESSOR in FUTURE.
I suddenly have realized that behind this gentle DHOTI clad Hindu, there is an extraordinary thinking brain which thinks at civilization level and not at narrow village or state or country or world level or even community level.

I thank Prof. ISLAM to make me understand the true spirit of SAVARKAR, His genius and his writings and his millennial futuristic thinking.

Today we are better (not the greatest) Militarily and have this sense of Pride in being Indian. MOST IMPORTANTLY We are standing up for our rights NOT AS AN AGGRESSOR BUT AS A CONFIDENT DEFENDER because of such people like SAVARKAR.

Thanks Prof. Keep quoting Savarkar and you will convert me in to an RSS sevak yet.

Prof. KN PONNANI, 7/383, Sivan Kovil Street, Tharakkad Palakkad, Kerala
Unknown said…
Hindu consciousness has woken up - thanks to untiring efforts of Hindu-baiters. So such crap cant be peddled anymore.
Anonymous said…
India, since last 1500 years has always a defender in all of the military conflicts with Muslim, Christian and Chinese aggressors. Savarkars understanding of the militarized Hinduism is well thought of strategy. Which was neglected by the independent India's leaders. Savarkar was real visionary, he has seen the Gandhi's 1920 goofup on Khilafat movement by supporting it, which resulted in bifurcation of India into two. And now the 2019 - abrogation of article 370 and the NRC was opposed by the tukde tukde gang. This will result in bigger disaster by 2045. But this time there would be bigger reaction and which was very much opposite of what happened in 1947. In 1947 many were killed by bifurcation, but by 2045 there would not be any bifurcation but there will the more deaths.

But I feel India now need to replicate the Israel strategy of defender. After 7 million of Jews were killed from 1934 - 1945 period, after independence in 1948 Israeli from all over the world has come to Israel till 1965. Jews has seen the major aggression from the Muslims, and they have ventured in side the Europe for the safety. Israel with just 10 million population has gained the military capacity that makes the 54 Islamic OIC countries afraid of their own well being, if they try any aggression on Israel. The big wigs like Turkey, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran are not even capable of individual or collective misadventure against Israel.

In current scenario, India.s long standing friends like Nepal are joined hands with India's number one enemy China and number two enemy Pakistan. It was not be astonished if they were joined by Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and even Bhutan against the India. As many political leadership of these countries can be manipulated with the financial aids and trade benefits.

So in such scenarios Savarkar's vision was needed to followed.
Unknown said…
Now a days all indians are understanding what we are, who are dominating us.
Secular hindus like gandhi is more dengerous then any foreigners.
Anonymous said…
wah wah. It appears that Savarkar most important teaching was to be shameless as these people who commented on this article showed. Can they say after reading this articel that Savarkar was doing any "Deshbhakti" act by recruiting hindu youths against Subhash Chandra Bose who was trying to get his motherland free from England. Suppose if China attacked on India today and I try to recruit people for china, what will these commentators will say me. Deshdrohi or Deshbhakt. In that case I would be certainly a deshdrohi and the same title Savarkar deserve. Today Indians have to decide that if they are told to choose one between your Country or Dharam, what will they choose. I will chose my country. My Dharam is not bigger than my country.
CA Rajesh said…
Actually Mr Islam and his coterie distorians like Irfan hAviv all are on an agenda to maligne Hindu icons. They leave no stone unturned to spoil the image of spiritual leaders like Vivekanand or Nationalists like Savarkar.
What Mr Savarkar meant by saying this simply with the motive to militarise the Indian youth with the cost of opressor number 1
number 2 this was said even before Netaji Reached Japan and creates INA.
These commie islamic gang of wolves will never quote Nehru who pledged to fight Subhash with sword .
Anonymous said…
To Unknown (retired professor) -You don't have to be converted into a BJP/RSS supporter, you are already a hidden supporter of RSS. You are certainly not a stupid who could not see the intention of a traitor like Savarkar. Hundreds of revolutionaries like Bhagat Singh and Bose sacrificed their live in military struggle against the British. They did not have to join the British Army to learn any military skills. Have you ever heard of Anushilan Samiti (of Bengal)? They produced the finest revolutionaries of India. They did not have to join British army as well. They were fighting the British while the leaders of RSS and Hindu Mahasabha were busy licking the British boots.
Anonymous said…
Look Who is Stating this Fact A man Whose parents chose to be in pakistan, and didn't kept their words and resided in INDIA, whose parents were Turks and made Hindus, Sikhs, Marathas kaafirs.
Unknown said…
Thanks to prof Islam which brings the true colour of Islamists to the notice of communist and secularists of lndia. Time has come to call a spade a spade and expos
the anti-nationalists.
Sanjay Pagare said…
Sawarkar favoured militarisation of Hindus to protect Hindustan and it's civilization. Netaji admired and met him at his house in Bombay.It is said that the idea of forming INA out of POWs captured by Germans was suggested by Sawarkar to Netaji.
Don't demean the great for your bogus secularism by quoting him selectively.
balamani inguva said…
Not just Savarkar but many Congress leaders also were fully supporting British war efforts as also the communists and Roy-ites (radical humanists) of the day. It goes without saying that if Netaji and Japan were to be successful even in a part of India, we would have faced terrible consequences and reprisals. How the Japanese conducted themselves in the Andamans should be an eye opener. Netaji might have had good intentions in his efforts and campaigns but as it is said: "Good intentions can pave the way to hell also."
Andrew Alpin said…
I am not a supporter of the Hindu Mahasabha neither am I a fan of the RSS or the BJP and I fully condemn the polarization of India, I loathe it but after reading these excerpts of Savarkar's words, I am beginning to understand the political strategy behind it. At the time during world war II, India was at great risk of being attacked by Japan who at the time was not the peace loving nation they are today. They massacred thousands in China too. I feel Savarkar was more against the Japanese and unfortunately the INA was in the way too and that was the biggest misfortune of this scenario. Also, India lacked the resources of being a Militiary nation on its own and it was practical to join the British army and make use of its training and resources to turn Indian recruits into war hardened soldiers, freedom fighters had courage but they lacked the resources and military strategy to tackle the British or external threats from Afghanistan and China. That being said, I believe that the Japanese were only using Netaji and had they come into India, they would have done the same as they did in China. Netaji should have been more of an Independent Resistance fighter rather than make use of the Japanese who might have been worse masters than the British.
Anonymous said…
Apropos to my last comment favoring Savarkar's vision, I would like to add, the present Hindu Mahasabha and saffron group are in no way near to advocating this great man's vision for a united India. The polarization of the country and the desire of a Hindutva nation is just another side of the Taliban coin that has no tolerance and acceptance of other faiths, people are Indian first, then christian, Hindu or moslem...that is how patriotism works
Unknown said…
I feel that Netaji ,also,must had been displeased by the manner in which Japanese forces acted with the natives (Indians) of Ross island after capturing it. The atrocities that the locals bore at the hands of Japenese were more brutal than those incurred from Britishers. Definately, it could had been an eye-pener for Savarker & Netaji ,only difference being could had been that
it was ,too,,late for Netaji to retreat with the army. Unfortunately, the only way left to prevent our motherland from another foreign rule was the 'sacrifice' of our own countrymen. As my grandfather, a civil engineer and an 'Arya-samaji of the pre-independence & post-independence era had put it that the bloddy battle between brothers of the same nation triggered the actual disobedience movement of civilians and army, alike, that was fruitful in the form of Britishers,finally,giving up the reigns of India... Thus, even they hold Netaji's INA onslaught as the , majorly,responsible factor for their retreat.
Anonymous said…
Shame on this article writer, as this is nothing but a ploy to whitewash people for going against savarkar ideology. I dare you that show me one statement where savarkar supported British efforts, as everything quoted here never directly said anything like that and it is only the dirty and ridiculous mind of the writer who is trying to whitewash people.
Anonymous said…
Shame on this article writer, as this is nothing but a ploy to whitewash people for going against savarkar ideology. I dare you that show me one statement where savarkar supported British efforts, as everything quoted here never directly said anything like that and it is only the dirty and ridiculous mind of the writer who is trying to whitewash people.
Anonymous said…
Well Bose has himself written that Savarkar wanted Hindus to get military training by getting recruited in british forces. Letters of many INA soldiers are evident example that they joined INA after getting trained in British army. Marathi soldiers admit being inspired by Savarkar. Naval mutiny of 1945 is a glaring example nationalist soldiers stood beyond INA counterparts (but of course they were also betrayed by Congress).


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