By A Representative
In reply to a right to information (RTI) query, the Central Information
Commission (CIC) – which India’s highest body to hear appeals to RTI applications
to the Government of India and other Central authorities – has said that a
whopping 24,326 cases were pending to be cleared by before it “as on October
2013”. The reply, sent to an RTI applicant, Kalpeshkumar Gupta of the Indian
Institute of Management-Ahmedabad, interestingly, said that “before January 1,
2013, pendency of cases was not maintained by the CIC.” Gupta had demanded “appeals
pending for years” before it.
In fact, the reply clarifies, “The commission does not
compile statistics separately for appeals and complaints.” Hence, it pointed out,
information is not maintained by the CIC in the format requested by the
applicant in the format he wanted – year and month-wise details of opening
balance of appeals and complaints, the appeals and complaints admitted, those
that have been disposed of, and the closing balance.
The reply also said that it did not have any information
about year-wise compensation awarded under section 19(8)(b) of the RTI Act,
2005, which provides for compensating the applicant for delay in providing
information. Nor did it have any information about year-wise details of disciplinary
action initiated under Section 20(2) of the RTI Act, under which disciplinary
action has provided for in case the public information officer deliberately
hides information with a mala fide intention. “Information is not maintained by
the CIC”, the reply says.
As regards imposition of penalty, the reply says, “the
progressive figure of cases, as on February 19, 2013, was 864, in which penalty
has been imposed. The total amount of penalty imposed since 2007-08 is Rs 1.62
crore, out of which Rs 98.40 lakh has been recovered so far.”
At the same time, it clarifies, “The commission does not
maintain year-wise data in this regard. In certain cases, the PIOs have
preferred for waiver and stay on penalty amount. Although in some cases the
commission has been made a party, there are many instances where the commission
is not made a party.”
To the query “what is the procedure for allocation of appeal
and complaint cases”, the reply says, “Appeals and complaints ascertaining from
the responses of the Central PIOs/ appellate authorities of the public
authorities are allocated among the information commissioners in accordance
with the ministry/ department/ public authority-wise; work allocation is
decided by the chief information commissioner under section 12(4) of the RTI
In yet another reply to the question regarding “staff
details of all levels, ie information commissioner to peon”, the CIC’s IPO says
that out of the sanctioned staff of one chief information commissioner and 10
information commissioners, six posts of information commissioners are vacant.
As for the rest of the staff, as against the sanctioned staff of 160, there is
a vacancy of 20.
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